Is Consuming Coffee While Breastfeeding Safe?

One debatable topic related to motherhood and breastfeeding is, whether lactating mothers should be consuming coffee while breastfeeding. Some believe that caffeine should be avoided while others seem to have no issues with it.

Motherhood is a miracle in itself right from conceiving to taking your newborn in your lap and breastfeeding them. Indeed, there is no bond as special as a mother and kid in this world. Your baby is a human that is produced by you, and the whole experience is quite surreal.

Taking all this into consideration, it becomes quite natural to become overprotective of your child and keep count on your eating habits. Yet, the thing that needs a strong check is whether you are following a myth or a well-researched fact.

Should you be consuming coffee while breastfeeding?

Here’s some good news for new mothers who enjoy coffee. If you’re nursing, you don’t have to give up coffee. Caffeine in modest doses — the equal of two to three 8-ounce cups— is unlikely to harm your kid.

Keep in mind that the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee varies based on the type of coffee bean and the amount of time it is brewed. Experts recommend keeping your daily caffeine intake between 200 and 300 milligrams.

What to do if you are still concerned

However, evidence suggests that getting high on caffeine has nothing to do with your child’s development yet there are few cases of decreasing nutrition value of breast milk that has been registered. Hence, if you are the Mumma bear and want to be extra safe with your newborn baby here are some tips you may follow.

Before you consume any caffeine, feed your baby.

Then, at least three hours later, resume nursing. This should allow your body enough time to metabolize the caffeine and prevent it from being passed on to your baby through breast milk.

● Caffeine usage should be limited to one cup per day.

● Until you’ve finished nursing, or your kid is mature enough to digest caffeine more, avoid it completely.

Other things to keep into consideration while you are breastfeeding

Don’t believe everything that is said about nutrition unless it comes straight from your Doctors Mouth

There are several misconceptions and old wives’ tales about what nursing moms should and should not consume, but you can pretty much disregard them all. It’s fine to consume vegetables, pepper, garlic, spicy foods, citrus fruits, and even chocolate in moderation. The most essential thing is to receive the nutrition your body requires when nursing. Make sure your body is fueled.

Let your baby tell you when to nurse

Right now, your infant knows their requirements better than you do. Allow them to decide how often they want to breastfeed. Don’t set a fixed feeding interval and then deny your kid food because not enough time has passed.

Get back to your exercise regime

It may seem as if it will be years before you can return to the gym after your baby is born. But, as a nursing mother, exercise is critical to your health. Running 5000 miles is definitely out of the question right now, with fatigue levels at an all-time high. You may, however, make it a daily aim to go for a great, quick walk.

This will help lift your spirits and help you from slipping into post-partum depression.


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