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Save Money on Your Morning Coffee Routine

girl in bed, breakfast in bed, girl with cereal bowl-2004771.jpg

Hey there coffee lover! Are you tired of shelling out a ton of cash every morning for your caffeine fix?. Fear not, there are many ways to save money without sacrificing the quality of your coffee. Here are some tips on how to save money on your morning coffee routine:

Brew your own coffee: One of the easiest ways to save money is by brewing your own coffee at home. Not only is it cheaper, but you can also customize it to your liking. Invest in a good coffee maker or French press and some high-quality beans to get started.

Use a reusable cup: If you do need to buy coffee on the go, bring your own reusable cup. Many coffee shops offer a discount if you bring your own cup. Plus, it’s better for the environment.

Sign up for rewards programs: Many coffee shops offer rewards programs that give you points for each purchase. Once you accumulate enough points, you can redeem them for free drinks.

Buy in bulk: If you have a favorite coffee shop, consider buying a larger bag of coffee beans or grounds from them. You’ll usually get a better price per ounce than if you were to buy smaller bags.

Skip the extras: Fancy flavored syrups and whipped cream can add up quickly. Stick to basic drinks and add your own milk or sugar at home.

Make your own syrups: If you do want to add some flavor to your coffee, try making your own syrups at home. It’s cheaper and you can control the ingredients.

Freeze leftover coffee: If you have leftover coffee, don’t throw it away. Freeze it in ice cube trays and use them later for iced coffee drinks.

Take advantage of happy hour: Some coffee shops offer happy hour specials on certain drinks during certain times of the day. Check your local coffee shops to see if they offer any discounts.

By implementing these tips, you can save money on your morning coffee routine without sacrificing quality or taste. Remember, small changes can add up to big savings over time.

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